Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Learning Path

Akshay Kumar
1 min readJan 12, 2021

Transitioning from someone who knew absolutely nothing about Azure to becoming a certified trainer on Azure demanded persistent toil. If I can do it I believe anybody can too!

Here is my journey into learning Azure via the Azure Fundamentals Certification AZ900.

Microsoft Azure organizes certifications into three levels — Fundamentals, Associate, and Expert. One can think of AZ900 as a stepping stone into the Cloud of Azure. Well, the world of Azure. Well, the Cloud World of Azure.

My mantra of learning anything new is to try to grab the breadth and deep dive into the areas of interest. And Azure Fundamentals is a great way to reinforce that belief and help one get started with Azure.

So, without any further ado, here are the learning resources that most probably can help you wrap your head around Azure and also potentially help to get certified.

  1. Official Learning Path > here [Strongly recommend an absolute beginner to complete this path]
  2. Revision > here [Recommended if you finished your official learning path]
  3. Reinforcement & Testing > here [Recommended if you plan to attempt the certification]
  4. Get Certified > here [Most probably by now you should be confident enough. Tip: Focus on Active Directory and understand it completely]

Note: Microsoft Organizes Virtual Training Days and disburses free vouchers to take the examination. You can check and attend one of them, both for great learning and a free voucher too here



Akshay Kumar

Aspiring writer | Data Lover | Travel Geek | Polymath | Polyglot | Cloud Maniac